Front: Joseph Stafford, Ragan Sernel, Saagar Basavaraju, Zach Schuh, Jason Selvaraj, Rebecca Isacoff, Kenner Sernel, Caleb Donaldson, Tristan Donaldson, Nikith Kurella, Alan Seidel, Nicholas Reinert, Vishwa Srinivasan, Jackson Maher, Noah Ballinger, Anne Serafin, Anthony Serafin, Simon Serafin, Middle Row: Charles Kinzel, Kyle Burris, Samuel McCann, Jack Bussert, Erik Nickels, Samuel Stephens, Namana Rao, Christopher Anton, Alex Hall, Edward Wilson, Aaron Simon, Paul Bussert, Sam Beaulieu, Annie Reinert, George Wedge, Last Row: Varuzhan Akobian, Maxx Coleman, Timothy Moroney, George Woodbury, Christopher Purdy, Duane Tate, William Teague, Roy Wedge, Nymisha Rao, Andrew Ritter, Ben McGregor, Kenny Lin, Garrett Wirka, Hans Chen
Tom Brownscombe Presents 1st Place Trophy to Maxx Coleman
Winner - Timothy Moroney
Winners - Under 21
Winners - Under 15
Winners - Under 11
The Youngest Player
Grandmaster Var Akobian in simul
Trophies Await the Winners
Check In - Are We on the List?
I Think My Move Was Better
U.S. Junior Open
Sometimes it Helps to Stand
U.S. Junior Open
Var Chats With George Woodbury
U.S. Junior Open
GM Akobian Observes a Game in Progress
GM Akobian Chats with Will Teague and George Woodbury
U.S. Junior Open
GM Akobian with Players
Experts Maxx Coleman of Kansas and Timothy Moroney of Michigan tied for
first place in the Junior Open with 5.5/6. They are co-champions.
Their first four tie-breaks were exactly the same. Coleman gets the
title and the first place trophy based on the only tie-break that
differentiated them: most blacks.2008 US Junor Open -- under 21 Cross Table, Page 1 No. Gr Name(Team) St Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 Score 1. 18 COLEMAN, MAXX W (1,DERB)...... KS 2161 W5 W3 D2 W7 W4 W6 5.5 2. 19 Moroney, Timothy M (2)........ MI 2009 W6 W4 D1 W3 W5 W7 5.5 3. 17 PURDY, CHRISTOPHER M (4,A123). KS 1663 W9 L1 W6 L2 W10 W8 4.0 4. 15 Woodbury, George (3).......... TN 1760 W8 L2 D5 W9 L1 W10 3.5 5. 17 TEAGUE, WILL G (6,WRHS)....... KS 1465 L1 W7 D4 W8 L2 W9 3.5 6. 15 WEDGE, ROY A (7,LAHS)......... KS 1370 L2 W8 L3 W10 W7 L1 3.0 7. 16 TATE, DUANE (5,WHHS).......... KS 1637 W10 L5 W9 L1 L6 L2 2.0 8. 14 RAO, NYMISHA (8,BVNW)......... KS 1129 L4 L6 W10 L5 W9 L3 2.0 9. 17 Ritter, Andrew Guy (9)........ KS 953 L3 W10 L7 L4 L8 L5 1.0 10. 17 Mc Gregor, Ben (10)........... KS 645 L7 L9 L8 L6 L3 L4 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008 US Junor Open -- under 15 Cross Table, Page 1 No. Gr Name(Team) St Rate Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Score 1. 14 Wirka, Garrett (2)............ NE 1506 W4 W7 D8 W2 W5 W6 5.5 2. 12 Lin, Kenny L (1).............. OK 1613 W15 W6 W5 L1 W12 D3 4.5 3. 13 Kinzel, Charles (5)........... KS 1186 L12 W9 W15 D6 W8 D2 4.0 4. 13 ANTON, CHRISTOPHER J (13,TIMS) KS 990 L1 W20 W14 L9 W15 W12 4.0 5. 13 BURRIS, KYLE (6,RMS).......... KS 1178 W16 W10 L2 W7 L1 D8 3.5 6. 13 Bussert, Jack (8)............. OK 1156 W18 L2 W10 D3 W9 L1 3.5 7. 12 Nickels, Erik J (9)........... OK 1146 W20 L1 W13 L5 W11 D10 3.5 8. 11 STEPHENS, SAMUEL A. (11,QREL). KS 1049 W17 W14 D1 D12 L3 D5 3.5 9. 13 Hall, Alex (14)............... MO 903 D19 L3 W16 W4 L6 W14 3.5 10. 11 Wilson, Edward L (15)......... KS 887 W11 L5 L6 W15 W14 D7 3.5 11. 11 Chen, Hans (4)................ OK 1248 L10 W17 L12 W13 L7 W16 3.0 12. 11 SIMON, AARON (16,QREL)........ KS 886 W3 D19 W11 D8 L2 L4 3.0 13. 12 Beaulieu, Sam (18,CORD)....... KS 726 L14 W16 L7 L11 -B- W18 3.0 14. 13 Mccann, Samuel Jam (7)........ OK 1162 W13 L8 L4 W18 L10 L9 2.0 15. 11 RAO, NAMANA (12,HAMS)......... KS 1029 L2 W18 L3 L10 L4 W20 2.0 16. 12 Bussert, Paul (17)............ OK 872 L5 L13 L9 -B- W20 L11 2.0 17. 14 Ehrlich, Jacob Mar (21)....... KS nnnn L8 L11 L18 W20 -H- -H- 2.0 18. 11 Reinert, Annie (19)........... KS 568 L6 L15 W17 L14 -H- L13 1.5 19. 11 Lauzums, Raimonds (3)......... WI 1467 D9 D12 -U- -U- -U- -U- 1.0 20. 11 WEDGE, GEORGE A (20,CORD)..... KS 100 L7 L4 -B- L17 L16 L15 1.0------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008 US Junor Open -- under 11 Cross Table, Page 1 No. Gr Name(Team) St Rate Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Score 1. 8 Stafford, Joseph C (2)........ TN 1169 W13 W4 W7 W2 W3 W5 6.0 2. 8 Schuh, Zach L (5)............. KS 769 W10 W12 W3 L1 W7 W8 5.0 3. 8 Sernel, Ragan Bate (3)........ TN 998 W9 W11 L2 W4 L1 W7 4.0 4. 10 Isacoff, Rebecca (7).......... CO 654 W6 L1 W11 L3 W14 W9 4.0 5. 7 Kurella, Nikith (11).......... OK 496 -H- W6 L9 W10 W8 L1 3.5 6. 8 Serafin, Anne (17)............ MO nnnn L4 L5 W18 D13 W15 W10 3.5 7. 6 Basavaraju, Saagar (4)........ OK 943 W17 W14 L1 W9 L2 L3 3.0 8. 7 Selvaraj, Jason (6)........... NE 756 L11 W13 W17 W14 L5 L2 3.0 9. 7 Srinivasan, Vishwa (14)....... UT 411 L3 W18 W5 L7 W11 L4 3.0 10. 8 MAHER, JACKSON M (15,CORD).... KS 100 L2 -B- W12 L5 W17 L6 3.0 11. 8 Ballinger, Noah Henry (16).... AR nnnn W8 L3 L4 W12 L9 W17 3.0 12. 5 Sernel, Kenner (8)............ TN 521 W18 L2 L10 L11 W13 D14 2.5 13. 9 SEIDL, ALAN W (12,HSEL)....... KS 452 L1 L8 W15 D6 L12 W18 2.5 14. 6 Simon Serafin (19)............ KS nnnn W15 L7 W16 L8 L4 D12 2.5 15. 9 Donaldson, Tristan (10,SOEL).. KS 500 L14 L17 L13 W18 L6 W16 2.0 16. 8 REINERT, Nicholas (13,SOEL)... KS 443 -H- -H- L14 L17 W18 L15 2.0 17. 4 Serafin, Anthony (18)......... KS nnnn L7 W15 L8 W16 L10 L11 2.0 18. 6 Donaldson, Caleb (9,SOEL)..... KS 500 L12 L9 L6 L15 L16 L13 0.0
Timothy Moroney and Maxx Coleman
GM Var Akobian Analyzes a Game
U.S. Junior Open
U.S. Junior Open
Tournament Director Tom Brownscombe and Asst. Director Kevin Nyberg
White: Chris Purdy Black: Andrew Ritter (U21 Section) (Round 1) 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Bc5 5 Nxc6 bxc6 6 Bd3 d6 7 0-0 Nf6 8 Nc3 0-0 9 Bf4 Be6 10 e5 dxe5 11 Bxe5 Rb8 12 Bxf6 Qxf6 13 Qh5 Bf5 14 Qxf5 Qxf5 15 Bxf5 Rxb2 16 Na4 Rb5 17 Nxc5 Rxc5 18 Bd3 Re8 19 Rab1 g6 20 Rb7 a6 21 Rxc7 Re6 22 Rb1 a5 23 Kf1 h5 24 R1b7 Rf6 25 g3 Re5 26 Rb6 Re6 27 Ra6 Kg7 28 Rxa5 Kh6 29 Rc5 g5 30 Bc4 Rd6 31 Bxf7 h4 32 gxh4 gxh4 33 Rh5+ 1-0White: Tim Moroney Black Roy Wedge (Round 1) 1 Nf3 d5 2 d4 Nf6 3 c4 g6 4 cxd5 Nxd5 5 e4 Nf6 6 Nc3 Bg4 7 Qb3 Nc6 8 Qxb7 Nxd4 9 Nxd4 Bb7 10 Bb5+ Nd7 11 Nc6 Resigns 1-0Nymisha Rao - George Woodbury (Rd. 1, U21 section) 1 e4 e6 2 Nf3 d5 3 exd5 exd5 4 d4 Nf6 5 Nc3 Bg4 6 Bf4 c6 7 Be2 Be7 8 0-0 0-0 9 Ne5 Bxe2 10 Qxe2 Nbd7 11 Nxd7 Qxd7 12 Bg5 h6 13 Bh4 Rfe8 14 h3 Ne4 15 Bxe7 Nxc3 16 bxc3 Rxe7 17 Qd3 Rae8 18 Qd2 Re2 19 Qc1 b5 20 a4 a6 21 axb5 axb5 22 Qb2 Qf5 23 Rac1 Rd2 24 Qb1 Ree2 25 Qa2 Rxf2 26 Qa8+ Kh7 27 Qxc6 Rxg2+ 28 Kh1 Qxh3#Duane Tate - Will Teague (Rd. 2, U21 section)\ 1 e4 c5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3 dxc3 4 Nc3 Nc6 5 Nf3 d6 6 Bc4 a6 7 0-0 Nf6 8 Qe2 Bg4 9 Rd1 e6 10 Bf4 Qc7 11 Rac1 Be7 12 a3 0-0 13 b4 e5 14 Be3 Rac8 15 Nd5 Nxd5 16 exd5 Nd4 17 Bxd4 exd4 18 Bb3 Qxc1 19 Rxc1 Rxc1 + 20 Bd1 Bf6 21 h3 Bxf3 22 Qxf3 Re8 23 Kh2 Re1 24 Be2 h5 25 Qxh5 Rh1+ 26 Kg3 Rc3+ 27 Kf4 d3 28 Bd1 Re1 1-0Will Teague - Maxx Coleman (Round 1, U21 section) 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 Nc3 exd5 5 cxd5 d6 6 e4 g6 7 f4 Bg7 8 Nf3 0-0 9 Be2 Re8 10 Qc2 Na6 11 Bxa6 bxa6 12 0-0 Rb8 13 Rb1 Nxe4 14 Nxe4 Rxe4 15 Qxe4 Bf5 16 Qa4 Bxb1 17 Qxa6 Be4 18 Qc4 Rb4 19 Qe2 Bxd5 20 b3 Be6 21 Ng5 Bf5 22 Re1 Bf6 23 Bd2 Rb7 24 Ne4 Bxe4 25 Qxe4 Re7 26 Qd5 Rxe1 27 Bxe1 Qe7 28 Kf1 Kg7 29 Bf2 Qd7 30 a4 Qe7 31 g4 h6 32 f5 Qe5 33 Qxe5 Bxe5 34 fxg6 Kxg6 35 h3 Kg5 36 Be3+ Bf4 37 Bf2 f5 38 gxf5 Kxf5 39 Ke2 Ke4 40 Bg1 h5 41 Bf2 a6 42 Bg1 Be5 43 Be3 Bd4 44 Bg5 d5 45 h4 Be5 46 Be3 d4 47 Bg5 Bf4 48 Be7 d3+ 49 Kd1 Kd4 50 Bf6+ Ke4 51 Bc3 Be3 52 Bf6 Bd4 53 Bg5 Bc3 54 Be7 Bb4 55 Bg5 a5 56 Bh6 Kd5 57 Bf8 Bc3 0-1 Maxx Coleman - Christopher Purdy (Round 2, U21 section) 1 c4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 g3 d5 4 cxd5 Nxd5 5 Bg2 Nb6 6 Nf3 Nc6 7 0-0 Be7 8 a3 0-0 9 b4 Be6 10 d3 f5 11 Bb2 Bf6 12 Rc1 Nd4 13 Nxd4 exd4 14 Na4 Nxa4 15 Qxa4 c6 16 b5 cxb5 17 Qxb5 Rb8 18 Qc5 b6 19 Qb4 Rf7 20 Rc6 a5 21 Qb5 Bd7 22 Bd5 Bxc6 23 Qxc6 Rc8 24 Qe6 Rc7 25 Qxf5 Rc5 26 Bxf7+ Kxf7 27 Qxh7 Qd5 28 Bc1 Rc2 29 e4 dxe3e.p. 30 Bxe3 Rc3 31 Qe4 Qxe4 32 dxe4 Rxa3 33 Bxb6 a4 34 Rd1 Rb3 35 Bd4 a3 36 Bxf6 a2 37 Ba1 Rb1 38 Rf1 g6 39 h4 Ke6 40 Kg2 Ke7 41 f4 Kf7 42 g4 Kg8 43 f5 gxf5 44 exf5 Rb4 45 Rf3 Kf7 46 g5 Rxh4 47 g6+ Kf8 48 f6 Rc4 49 f7 Rg4+ 50 Rg3 Rxg6 51 Rxg6 Kxf7 52 Ra6 Ke7 53 Rxa2 Kd6 54 Kf3 Kd5 55 Ke3 Kc4 56 Rd2 Kb5 57 Kd4 Kb4 58 Rb2+ Ka4 59 Rb8 Ka5 60 Bc3 Ka6 61 Rb1 Ka7 62 Kc5 Ka6 63 Kc6 Ka7 64 Be5 Ka8 65 Ra1#George Woodbury - Tim Moroney (Round 2, U21 section) 1 c4 e6 2 Nc3 d5 3 cxd5 exd5 4 d4 c6 5 Bf4 Bf5 6 Nf3 Nf6 7 e3 Qb6 8 Qc1 Nbd7 9 Be2 Be7 10 0-0 h6 11 Ne5 0-0 12 Nxd7 Nxd7 13 a3 a5 14 Qd2 Qa7 15 f3 Bf6 16 Bd3 Bxd3 17 Qxd3 Rfe8 18 Rfe1 a4 19 Rad1 Nb6 20 e4 Nc4 21 Re2 Rad8 22 e5 Nxe5 23 Qe3 Nc4 24 Qxe8+ Rxe8 25 Rxe8+ Kh7 26 Bc1 Bxd4+ 27 Kh1 Bxc3 28 bxc3 Qf2 29 Re7 Qc2 30 Rg1 Qxc3 31 Rxf7 d4 32 Rxb7 d3 33 Bf4 Nxa3 34 Re7 Nc4 35 Re4 a3 36 Be3 Nxe3 37 Rxe3 a2 38 Ree1 d2 39 Rd1 c5 40 Rgf1 c4 41 Rf2 a1=Q 42 Rfxd2 Qxd2 43 Rxa1 c3 44 h4 c2 45 Kh2 c1=Q 46 Rxc1 Qxc1 47 g4 Qf4+ 48 Kg2 Kg6 0-1Tim Moroney - Maxx Coleman (Round 3, U21 section) 1 Nf3 Nf6 2 d4 e6 3 c4 c5 4 d5 b5 5 Bg5 exd5 6 cxd5 d6 7 a4 b4 8 Nbd2 Ba6 9 e4 Bxf1 10 Kxf1 Be7 11 Qc2 0-0 12 h4 Nbd7 13 Nc4 a5 14 Rd1 Re8 15 e5 dxe5 16 Nfxe5 Nxe5 17 Nxe5 Qc8 18 Nc4 1/2 - 1/2 Maxx Coleman - Duane Tate (Round 4, U21 section) 1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e6 3 e4 d5 4 e5 Ne4 5 cxd5 exd5 6 Nxe4 dxe4 7 Qa4 Nc6 8 Qxe4 Bc5 9 Nf3 Be6 10 Bc4 Qd7 11 Bxe6 Qxe6 12 a3 Rd8 13 0-0 Bd4 14 Re1 0-0 15 Nxd4 Rxd4 16 Qe3 Rfd8 17 b4 Rd3 18 Qe2 R8d5 19 f4 Ne7 20 Qf2 Nf5 21 Qxa7 Qb6 22 Qxb6 cxb6 23 Ra2 Nd4 24 Kf2 b5 25 Re3 Nb3 26 Rxd3 Rxd3 27 Rc2 g6 28 Ke2 Nxc1 29 Rxc1 Rxa3 30 Rc5 1-0 Nymisha Rao - Will Teague (Round 4, U21 section) 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 Nc3 e6 4 Bb5+ Bd7 5 Bxd7 Nxd7 6 0-0 Nf6 7 d3 Be7 8 Bg5 0-0 9 h3 a6 10 a3 b5 11 d4 Qc7 12 d5 Rfc8 13 Re1 b4 14 Ne2 exd5 15 exd5 Nb6 16 Nf4 h6 17 Bxf6 Bxf6 18 Rb1 Na4 19 axb4 cxb4 20 Ra1 Nxb2 21 Qb1 Qxc2 22 Qxc2 Rxc2 23 Rab1 a5 24 Rbc1 Rac8 25 Re2 Rxe2 26 Rxc8+ Kh7 27 Ra8 a4 28 Ra6 a3 29 Rxd6 Nc4 30 Ra6 b3 31 d6 b2 32 d7 b1=Q+ 33 Kh2 Qb7 34 d8=Q Bxd8 35 Ra4 Bc7 0-1